Monday, December 9, 2013

Using Google Apps Script to Automate Document Creation

Google Apps Script is a Javascript-like programming language that runs on Google's cloud; it provides tools and library calls that allow developers to interact with data from both public and private sources (upon authorization by the end user whose data is being manipulated).

I recently published an article describing a script I wrote to automate the creation of my team's daily morning meeting notes. Check it out at the link below.

As a side note, using templates to build documentation is an excellent way to make sure that the right questions are asked (and answered!) and that everyone on the team knows where to find what they're looking for quickly and effectively. Having a script add this documentation to your projects goes a long way toward making sure the work product is properly and adequately documented.

Read the full article on the official blog of Google Apps reseller White Stratus, where KDA principal Wes Dean served as a consulting developer from 2013 to 2014.

Wes Dean, a Google Apps Certified Deployment Specialist and a Google Apps Trusted Tester, is Principal of KDA Web Technologies, a Google-Centric development firm and a Google Apps Authorized Reseller. To learn how Wes and KDA Web Technologies can help you, go to

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